Chancel Choir


Janet Bell

Janet Bell

Catherine Bost

Catherine Bost

Director of Praise Kids Bells and Chimes

Rochelle Dent
Rochelle Dent
Debbie Gamble
Debbie Gamble
Lady Gersteman
Lady Gersteman
Sharyl Haynie
Sharyl Haynie

Music Associate

Kathe Houk
Kathe Houk
Sarah Jiminez

Sarah Jiminez

Michele Johnson
Michele Johnson
Barbara Kilby
Barbara Kilby
Joy Kirby
Joy Kirby
Nicole Krouse
Nicole Krouse
Terri Krouse
Terri Krouse
Emily Montalvo

Emily Montalvo

Director of Praise Kids Singers

Christina Roberts
Christina Roberts
Beverly Smith
Beverly Smith


Jo Barnham

Jo Barnham

Judy Brown
Judy Brown
Darlene Clark
Darlene Clark
Elaine Currie
Elaine Currie
Kim DeWitt
Kim DeWitt
Mary Gillespie
Mary Gillespie
Ann Guess

Ann Guess

Jamie Hester
Jamie Hester
Nila Introligator
Nila Introligator
Eileen Mehnert
Eileen Mehnert
April Montgomery
April Montgomery
Dana Robbins
Dana Robbins


Kevin Candee

Kevin Candee

Gary Clark
Gary Clark
Zach Foster
Zach Foster

Assistant Director

Roger LaBiche
Roger LaBiche
Doug McGaughey
Doug McGaughey
Jonanthan Moreno
Jonanthan Moreno
Robert Smith

Robert Smith

Bob Wright
Bob Wright


Larry Bell

Larry Bell

Lee Bost
Lee Bost

Director of Wesleyan Handbells

Paul Cedergren
Paul Cedergren
Ivo Damman
Ivo Damman
Bobby Johnson
Bobby Johnson
David Oluwo

David Oluwo

Bob Squires
Bob Squires
Tom Stampfli
Tom Stampfli